Monday, September 28, 2009

yeah soo what up gang?
Hmmm where do i start. Well first the family cruz i got to attend their baptism and i got to baptize the dad and the son. It was way cool. With victor it is going to be really hard but more just cause he doesnt have much desire to leave it behind. There is an addiction program but he needs to go to get some help. I dont know it just stresses me out and makes me sad when they dont want to change, But we have a new investigator named hugo he is really cool. He took some discusions when he was in the states. He says every time we talk to him he feels the spirit so strong. He should be getting baptized here in a week or two. this ward is really cool. It isnt perfect because they almost never do their home and visiting teaching. But we are working on that. Well i cant really think right now but the ward sounds really cool. Well not much else to say except i love you guys. Have a great week. Later

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 00:32:18 +0000

Hey fam. what be happenin? So is the football team pretty good this year? It sounds like they are doing good. So who are some people that i would know that are in the ward? The area is good the work a little difficult but we have so good people that im pretty sure will accept. If you could please pray for victor, he is a really good guy but is addicted to huffing. If you pray for him to be able to quit and have the desire to turn his life around. He is dating a member and she is trying to help him all that she can but he also has to do his part. But yeah the Huerta Cruz family got married and batpized. It was awesome the dad was pretty much crying the whole time. It was way good and this week i saw them, they look so happy. They were a very strong family and very good people before they got baptized but now they just look complete and have a glow that they didnt have before. Well not much more than that has happened the independence day for mexico was last week so the work was a little slow. Hardly anybody in the street. But thanks for all you guys do for me. I feel so bad cause i havent sent anything to the larry martin fam, or sister eagar. And almost every month i get a post card from them. So if you could give me some ideas on what to do for them. Well have an awesome week love you guys.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Mon 9/14/09 4:36 PM
Well another niece, ill tell you what thats good stuff. Yeah my new comp is cool he is from puebla which is just a couple of hours away from mexico city. O yeah and yesterday that family of six got baptized. It was awesome. the dad was crying the whole time. I had the great privilege of baptizing him and the son. Elder owens the mom and their unlce baptized the daughter. this week should be interesting since the mexicans always get really crazy around their independence day. And pretty much try to pick fights with anybody that isnt mexican. Good stuff. So yeah things sound like they are going good, did you get things back in order in the house since the lightning struck. Its been raining like crazy here and flooding in some parts luckily im not in any of those parts. Not much else has been happening. Ill let you guys go now i love you guys so much. thanks for everything.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sent 9/7/2009 1:41pm

Hey fam.,
So things sound fun over there. Josh filled me in on the game. Cool stuff cool stuff. But yeah dont worry about the house just keep working and dont get sad. Everything will turn out good. Yeah tomorrow are changes again thats crazy. My comp is leaving and im am getting a new one named elder ruiz. Dont know him so ill let you know more about him later. Yeah and they are putting missionaries back into one of the two areas that we were working in, actually the area where the family lives. so i dont know if ill get to baptize them or not. They are scheduled to get married wednesday and then baptized on saturday. SO finally things are working out. This last week we have been working like crazy to get them a date to get married. Well just say it fue una loca semana. But im just so happy that they are getting baptized. To bad i wont be in their ward anymore. But thats life eh? Yeah we also almost got sturck by lightning it hit like 15 or 20 yards away from us. Lately it has been raining a ton with a lot of lightning and hail( dont remember how to spell that). But yeah things are great i was really thinking that me and my comp were going to stay together but nope. Well not much more to say........o yeah i got a letter from ross i miss that kid but yeah he sounds like he loves his mission. good stuff. Anyways ill let you go Love you guys more than i can express. Have a great week

Sent 8/31/2009 at 12:08pm

Hey familia,
whats up? Hows are things going? So i have another nephew thats crazy. How many new nephews and nieces do i not know? Somebody let me know i cant keep count. And names that would be nice. Well things are going good its the last week of the change already. Only 4 more changes left. Crazy stuff. This week we should be baptising a family if we can get them married in time. We still need to make an appointment with the judge but i heard the process is pretty fast. O yeah i might be taking out like $90 to get them married. Thats what it costs and they just moved here so they dont really have a stable income. And in mexico less. But giving you a heads up. O yeah i also ate some monkey meat..............yeah that was interesting. It wasnt bad, just the thought of eating monkey amde me kind of squirmish. For other things happening here huh well cant really think about anything. Well nothing else sorry im pretty short winded when it comes to letters. Thanks for everything. I love you guys and hope you are happy.