Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sent 8/31/2009 at 12:08pm

Hey familia,
whats up? Hows are things going? So i have another nephew thats crazy. How many new nephews and nieces do i not know? Somebody let me know i cant keep count. And names that would be nice. Well things are going good its the last week of the change already. Only 4 more changes left. Crazy stuff. This week we should be baptising a family if we can get them married in time. We still need to make an appointment with the judge but i heard the process is pretty fast. O yeah i might be taking out like $90 to get them married. Thats what it costs and they just moved here so they dont really have a stable income. And in mexico less. But giving you a heads up. O yeah i also ate some monkey meat..............yeah that was interesting. It wasnt bad, just the thought of eating monkey amde me kind of squirmish. For other things happening here huh well cant really think about anything. Well nothing else sorry im pretty short winded when it comes to letters. Thanks for everything. I love you guys and hope you are happy.

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