Monday, October 26, 2009

Elder Crick ended up in the E.R. last Wed. with a hernia that couldn't be reduced. (pushed back in) They admitted him that night for sugery Thurs. morning and they repaired both sides by using a scope. He went into the mission home to recooperate. This is the letter we got on Monday.

Hey fam.
Well things are going good. I think im recovering quickly but who knows. thursday i go in and they take out my stitches. Yeah i'm walking around well ever since the first day. Just a little sore. Yeah talked with pres. fuentes today he said worry about recovering and then when you are recovered you can worry about the other stuff. It stinks cause on wednesday we found a golden family that is already ready to be baptized since they are family to some members they pretty much know everything. So im sure this weekend or the next there should be a few baptisms. Who knows if ill be there or not. They moved an elder johnson from arizona to my area. I dont know if when i get better if they are just going to put us in a threesome, move me to another area, or what. The new ward is awsome as you could tell. Some sisters that i didnt even know come and brought some flowers and some get well treats.Then the bishop came and all. Its fun cause we have to work in to wards in this area. one is way rich and the other is just good to work in but the in the rich one pretty much all of them speak english. But yeah other than that i cant tell you much since i was only there about a day and a half. Thanks for everything. o and the package got here im not sure what it has since its in my area but im sure ill enjoy every bit of it. Well love you guys so much. Have a good time. Later

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